The Voter Transparency Foundation believes there was questionable activity during the 2020 election. | Adobe Stock
The Voter Transparency Foundation believes there was questionable activity during the 2020 election. | Adobe Stock
Florida has been added to an online voter registration database aimed at increasing transparency among voters across the country.
Earlier this month, the Voter Reference Foundation added Florida to its database containing 15 other states all working to increase transparency by maintaining an updated file of registered voters and their most accurate information. This new addition to their database brings VRF's national coverage to 32% of the total U.S. population.
“By providing the public with access to the nation’s voter rolls, and illuminating discrepancies in the data, VRF is making the public aware that state election authorities have work to do to ensure the voter rolls are accurate and up to date,” Gina Swoboda, executive director of the Voter Reference Foundation, said in a news release.
Florida is the 16th state to be added to the database after Alaska, Colorado, Connecticut, Georgia, Idaho, Michigan, Montana, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Wisconsin. Ten of the 16 states backed Democrat Joe Biden in the 2020 presidential election.
The site seeks to complete the database with all 50 states by the end of 2022. Through the process of reviewing certified election data, the database has the ability to show discrepancies between the number of voters and the number of votes cast.
“Florida has done tremendous work in the field of election integrity," Swoboda said, "and 158,319 [the discrepancy between number of voters and votes cast] is a large number. Although it represents only 1.42% of the total ballots cast in the 2020 general election, it nevertheless reveals that there is more work yet to be done."
Donald Trump carried Florida by more than 370,000 votes.
Detected discrepancies indicate the need for better record-keeping and accountability, according to the Voter Reference Foundation. Currently, there is reportedly a wide range of discrepancies among states, VRF stated in its release. The discrepancy in Florida is 158,319, but in Michigan the discrepancy is only 74,135 and in North Carolina it is 42.